fruggr dashboard: manage your entire Sustainable IT strategy

Use a single interface to monitor and act on your Sustainable IT transition. Reports and recommendations on all impact levers.

Sustainable IT Strategy: your maturity and transition roadmap
Services: a dynamic analysis of your online services
Sustainable IT audits: GHG assessment of your IT stock and compliance audits
Infrastructure: GreenOps analysis of your data ecosystem
Campaigns: impact analysis of your marketing campaigns including website traffic
Employees: the footprint of your digital workplace
Screens fruggr
Screenshots d'analyses fruggr
Icone de cavalier

Sustainable IT Strategy

The sustainable IT transition has become a major challenge for companies seeking to act for the planet and meet the expectations of consumers and stakeholders.
bilan GES
icone d'audit

IT GHG audits

Our digital impact doesn't stop at service or data measurement. Whether it's your IT hardware or the weight of your service production, fruggr enables you to carry out centralized impact audits.
Image de certificat fruggr
icone de certificat

Digital services

Your websites and mobile applications are your first points of interaction with your users, customers or employees. In addition to their impact, they reflect your CSR policy and your decarbonization and social inclusion actions.
Carte du monde
icone de serveur

GreenOps IT infrastructure

Datacenters, clouds and servers are central elements in the IT operational chain. Our fruggOps module enables us to identify our customers' infrastructure, materialize the associated footprints and suggest recommendations for optimizing resources.
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Icone de vidéo


Your marketing campaigns rely on an increasingly ubiquitous digital strategy: social networks, ads, videos... for greater environmental impact. fruggr's aim is to evaluate the footprints associated with these campaigns and give you the keys to a more responsible way of communicating.
Tableau de bord fruggr


Employees' daily lives are in a state of perpetual upheaval, with more and more e-mails, videos and data being shared... These ever-increasing uses generate data, and therefore impact. Accompany your employees in a more sustainable change with fruggr

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