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A voice for positive digital impact

Clémence Laguette has joined the fruggr team as Head of partnerships. Barely arrived, she has already conquered hearts and minds. We asked her about the source of her motivation and her vision.

Clémence Laguette has joined the fruggr team as Head of partnerships. Just arrived, she has already conquered hearts and minds. Last week, she was at ChangeNow 2022, the largest solutions event for the planet, for three days of ideas, actions and synergies, with people with a very contagious energy. As part of Fintech4Tomorrow, Clémence pitched for the first time fruggr on stage (you can watch her presentation by clicking on the link at the bottom of this article) drawing on her international experience in both the digital and sustainable business sectors. We asked her about her motivation and her expert vision.

Clémence, you have been a business developer for ESN, digital & data transformation manager for Engie in China and you are a mentor at Article 1 and MakeSense. You also have a humanitarian streak as you were involved with migrants in Calais and Greece. What made you decide to join fruggr?

The logical continuation of my career was to join a company that shared the same values and the same vision of digital technology as I do. To do digital transformation in a responsible way, in order to get out of the digital dynamic at all costs, taking into account the environmental impact but also the social footprint of digital. Being more inclusive, accessible, sober and engaged is very important to me. Working with the fruggr teams allows me to live these values every day.

How is measuring digital carbon footprint compatible with a global decarbonization strategy?

Digital is the only sector where GHG emissions are increasing by 20% per year. It is therefore a growing part of companies' greenhouse gas emissions and their carbon footprint. If we ignore this element, even though all companies in all sectors are in the process of digital transformation, we would be omitting a lever for reduction and decarbonization that is easy to use and has an impact.

What are your convictions about responsible digital?

As mentioned, all companies have started a digitalization process. However, digital technology is not a trivial issue, since in addition to having a strong environmental footprint (minerals, waste, energy consumption, etc.), it can also be a source of exclusion (accessibility problems, illiteracy, infobesity, etc.). As the various aspects of society become digitalized, it is urgent that this be done in a less mechanical way, with a view on sufficiency and reducing environmental and social impacts. I am also convinced that a responsible digital scale would help society and its actors, including companies, to prosper.

If there was one message you wanted to pass on to those who were not at the event, what would it be?

Event or not, we can act on a daily basis. We like and defend the policy of small steps at fruggr. When we talk about inclusion, we shouldn't think that those who don't go to Change Now aren't part of the movement. On the contrary, each daily gesture allows us to have an action, an impact. ChangeNow is a great event, a great way to meet people, but we must continue to act at our own level.

In conclusion

We are trying to increase awareness of the environmental and social consequences of digital technology. This is still a little known subject. People have integrated that building, transport and meat have an impact, but they are not yet fully aware that digital technology also has dramatic consequences.

To listen, to accompany, to do the best we can and above all to take pleasure in it. This is what counts for my colleagues and me.

Acting today for tomorrow, for the environment, inclusion and the prosperity of ecosystems brings real satisfaction. Being part of the change around us is our main source of energy and enthusiasm.

Watch the replay: watch?v=H4_Zwh48bZ4

Author : Marie-Christine Aubin

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