ESG managers: how to get reliable non-financial data on a regular basis?
Tracking ESG indicators can be time-consuming and tedious. However, one area where automated ESG measurement is feasible is digital. So, why not start there?
fruggr is a platform that gives you access to all key environmental and social indicators on the digital domain. The fruggr innovation allows you to measure automatically, no more heavy data collection.

• Time saving with indicators accessible at any time in the fruggr analytical platform
• 21%* improvement in environmental score after 5 months
• 100% contribution to your ESG performance and low carbon target *on average
• The choice of ADEME and several other key players such as L'Oréal, Orange, La Poste...
• More than 50 experts at the service of your responsible performance
• Awarded numerous times: golden startup at the 2022 sustainable transformation summit, finance for tomorrow 2021 challenge, winner of the Vivatech Orange challenge, La Poste French IoT winner...
3 key points on fruggr
They trust us
Business case L'Oréal: mastering its extra-financial reporting
L'Oréal is a major international company committed to reducing its environmental and social impacts and to presenting its non-financial reporting accurately and rigorously.
The initial assessment
40 websites We proceeded to a global benchmark of more than 40 sites to make an inventory from which we produced eco-design reports to be able to plug our solution on all the sites with view analytics and produce reports by zone (e-commerce, B2B...)
The project
We provide onboarding support for adapting our solution for increasingly rigorous measurement. We give advice on how to use the tool to project our metrics in terms of data science. There is real work to be done on the relevance of the data and transparency with regard to fruggr on what we measure and how we measure it.

The time for the static and administrative digital carbon footprint is over, it's time to act and dynamically manage your performance. Doing with less (sufficiency) and better (eco-design and accessibility) is our commitment with