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How finance is committed to a fairer digital world

Dorval Asset Management, a subsidiary of Natixis, and Gaëlle Guilloux, Head of Strategic & Digital Marketing, Communications at Dorval AM have chosen fruggr to validate their digital commitments

How is finance committed to a fairer digital world ?

Dorval Asset Management, a subsidiary of Natixis and Gaëlle Guilloux, Head of Strategic & Digital Marketing, Communications at Dorval AM, chose fruggr to validate its digital commitments.

Gaëlle Guilloux holds a Specialized Master in Strategy and Management of International Business from ESSEC, and is graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et de Gestion (INSEEC) in Bordeaux.

She started her career in 1995 and held business development positions in pharmaceutical companies. In 1998, she joined a financial software publisher (Proof9) where she contributed to the launch of solutions dedicated to trading rooms. Between 2002 and 2007, she actively participated in the creation of employee savings offers at Gérer conseil, then life insurance services as Head of Multi-management Development at BNP Paribas Assurances (Cardif). She joined Dorval AM in November 2008 as a Marketing and Sales Director for external distribution. After obtaining her master's degree in strategy and management, she focused on the development of Dorval AM's products and its brand, as Director of Strategic & Digital Marketing, Communication and Events. We asked her three questions:

Gaëlle, what strategy do you have to unfold your digital presence?

Dorval AM has always been at the forefront of financial analysis and has chosen to focus on responsible finance. We have built the 2021-2024 CSR roadmap around our commitments to the sustainable development of our activities. It is within this framework that we have addressed the issue of digital responsibility.

Both through its investment funds and its CSR policy, Dorval AM is committed. A commitment that is embodied in its signature.

Give value to your values. But behind the promise is a whole company that is committed. Its first commitment is to manage socially responsible investment funds with the SRI label, attesting to the quality of the investment process implemented within all the asset management offers made to our clients. We are thus able to offer a global diagnosis of the environment in which our investor clients find themselves, and then to build portfolios with a responsible asset management approach. Sustainable development is no longer an ambition but a necessity, and we place it at the heart of our products with a long-term, ethical and extra-financial vision. We are therefore SRI certified. This is also why we have chosen fruggr, an ESUS company, it is a responsible purchase that allows us to ensure a circular societal impact through its mission of social interest and solidarity.

Why did you choose an eco-design approach?

Deciding to invest in a new website, reflecting our CSR commitments, it seemed obvious to us to also act on our own digital impacts. fruggr were the only ones able to offer us both a prerequisite level of digital expertise and an improvement of our impacts from both a social and environmental point of view. The eco-design approach that we decided to follow is for us the assurance of an experience consistent with our commitments, a visible proof that we apply to ourselves what we recommend to our customers. It is, moreover, like our products, a real promise of performance, both business (a platform that goes to the heart of our visitors' needs) and social (that respects the criteria of accessibility and inclusion of our interlocutors regardless of their profiles).

Why did you choose to measure your digital impacts?

As previously mentioned, it was obvious for us to commit to reducing our digital impacts, but to do so, we had to know where we stood and, above all, how to improve. After a quick overview, the fruggr.io solution emerged as a global answer to some of our needs. It allowed us to analyze our current services by giving us a global score but also to propose recommendations for actions to be carried out in terms of impact and complexity.

Starting with a rather good score, we aim to obtain an AAA digital footprint certificate. This will allow us to communicate both in our CSR report and on our website for our readers and clients.

Any final words?

I am personally delighted with this collaboration, especially for its societal dimension, it is a real pleasure to know that we are acting for the good of all, on our modest scale.

Author : Franck Valadier

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