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PiLeJe pharmaceutical laboratory's eco-design project

Feedback on the creation of an eco-designed training platform for the PiLeJe laboratory

The ecodesign approach adopted by pharmaceutical laboratory PileJe for its training platform

A pharmaceutical laboratory specializing in probiotics, micronutrition and phytotherapy, PiLeJe approached digital4better (publisher of fruggr) with the aim of developing its new training tool for healthcare professionals: PiLeJe Factory. 
The creation of this eco-designed platform offered the laboratory the opportunity to engage for the first time in an eco-design and digital responsibility approach!  

Starting point

This project included a strong e-learning dimension: PiLeJe aimed to create an online service providing access to high-quality training and personalized follow-up for healthcare professionals. This initiative was designed to meet the needs of pharmacists and doctors with busy schedules and already well-established expertise, but who wanted to anchor themselves in a continuous training approach.  

The aim of the digital4better teams? To transform this professional need into a tailor-made digital service. Already aware of CSR, PiLeJe wanted to take advantage of this project to invest in a Responsible Digital approach, by implementing rapid, concrete and visible actions to raise awareness of digital responsibility among their teams and the sector. 

Together, our shared ambition was to achieve an overall score (environmental, social and sobriety) of 80/100, awarded by our fruggr software.  


Actions taken

Initially, we organized two days of workshops in a "sprint design" format on our premises, bringing together the key players in the project, such as the training director, the health director, communicators and the digital director. The aim of these workshops was to gain a better understanding of their needs. We then adopted an iterative approach to developing the portal in detail, creating mock-ups and specifications. 

Thanks to the exchanges we had with the PileJe teams over a period of 2 to 3 months, we were able to develop a digital portal step by step. Our teams also took the time to compare their vision with that of healthcare professionals, to ensure that the final result would adequately meet users' expectations. This validation stage enabled us to refine our approach and ensure that the service would ideally meet their needs. 

Sobriety, accessibility and gamification

Throughout the project, we made the customer aware of the service's environmental and social impact, following the 3 U rule (Useful, Usable, Used) and developing in-depth thinking on accessibility, with the aim of making it as inclusive as possible. To achieve this, we made choices between the planning phase and the implementation phase to prioritize features that were essential for users. Our aim was always to strive for sobriety, while meeting the company's objectives of improving its environmental and social performance. 

Technical choices have also been made to ensure that development has as little impact as possible on the use of the cloud (with its consequent environmental impact), notably by pooling component resources.  

It's also important to note that the platform we've created, called PiLeJe Factory, incorporates a gamification dimension. Gamification makes it possible to offer a playful experience that encourages users to return, in a logic of learning and reward. In-depth ethical reflection was carried out to avoid any cognitive overload, paying particular attention to the ethical dimension of this gamification. 

First results

PiLPiLeJe Factory was presented to the public in May of this year, and initial user feedback has been very positive.  Our objective today is to encourage PiLeJe to communicate on its eco-design and digital responsibility approach by creating a dedicated page on their website to raise awareness among service users. 

Currently, the fruggr score for the training platform stands at 86/100, which fully satisfies the customer in terms of results obtained. We're proud to have been able to contribute to the creation of a unique medical-scientific training space that reinforces PiLeJe's support by offering e-learning courses, virtual classes and web conferences.

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