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How to follow your CSR objectives in IT?


The notion of Social and Environmental Responsibility has become an unavoidable imperative in the business world. Much more than mere philanthropy, it concerns all of the company’s impacts on society and the environment. Today, we invite you to discover how YOU can integrate CSR into your digital strategy. 


I. Why integrate CSR into your digital strategy?

The increasing digitalization of companies is accompanied by an increased responsibility towards society and the environment. Integrating CSR into your digital strategy is not just an altruistic approach, but responds to the imperatives of sustainability and transparency. Here are some examples of what it can do for you:   


R as Reduction   

Integrating CSR into your digital strategy offers a unique opportunity to take concrete action on your carbon footprint. Indeed, digital is generally a very important part of the carbon balance of companies, especially in the tertiary sector. At the same time, it significantly reduces energy consumption costs. This dual benefit not only helps preserve the environment but also strengthens the financial health of your company 

S as Sobriety 

The most powerful lever for transformation, digital sobriety, embodies the deliberate choice to focus on the essentials in your digital strategy. By opting for a sober approach, you not only optimize the use of resources, but you also guard against greenwashing. Sobriety becomes the art of combining operational efficiency with respect for the environment, representing an essential strategic choice for sustainability-focused companies.

E as Evaluation  

Integrating CSR into your digital strategy allows you to assess your impact by quantifying your actions, and innovate based on tangible data. Measurement serves as the foundation for sustainable innovation and also for monitoring your company’s CSR performance. 

Of course, these elements represent only a sample of the possibilities offered by CSR, shaping a landscape where sustainability, efficiency, and the positive impact on society and the environment combine to shape a modern and responsible company. There are many reasons to integrate responsible digital into your CSR strategy that we have already discussed in this article.    


II. Reminder of CSR objectives in IT 

From product eco-design to carbon footprint reduction, responsible e-waste management, digital inclusion, and privacy, the field of possibilities is vast in order to direct your practices towards more responsible horizons. At the level of individual companies, these objectives are accompanied by specific key performance indicators. Strategic tools of the approach, they will allow you to quantify and monitor in a tangible way the performance of the company in specific areas related to CSR. Their definitions will provide your organization with an opportunity to assess your maturity in social responsibility and provide a solid foundation for setting clear goals, implementing strategic initiatives and demonstrating an ongoing commitment to sustainable and socially responsible business practices.  

According to Syntec Numérique and its 2020 IT market review, more than 8 in 10 companies believe that companies have an important role to play in changing attitudes on social, environmental, and ecological issues. The global will is therefore to harmonize environmental and social aspects with the economic pillar.   

To strengthen your approach, you can rely on various labels (such as Ecovadis, Digital Responsible, BCorp, etc.) whether they are national, European or international, each based on specific references. 

Examples of relevant KPIs include:

Impact of applications:  

- Average number of screens per user  

- Average number of fixed or mobile phones per user  

- Percentage of PCs, smartphones, tablets in BYOD mode (bring your own device)  


Hardware Strategy:  

- Percentage of computer equipment reconditioned and recycled  

- Percentage of the workforce upgraded rather than renewed, with indication of the length of extension  

- Average lifetime by type of equipment  


Project approach:  

- Number of emails sent per user per day  

- Pages per day per user and/or percentage of colour impressions 

- Document Sharing Folder Input Storage Volume (TB)   


HR Management:  

- Number of Green IT contacts per number of DSI employees  

- Charge dedicated to the Green IT manager (percentage full-time equivalent)  

- Percentage of digitally trained people responsible  


III. Importance and use of CSR objectives   

As we say at Fruggr... 

"Without measure, no improvement"!    

This maxim perfectly sums up the importance of measuring CSR objectives. Indeed, it is impossible to initiate a continuous improvement process without having tangible data on current performance. The measure provides an objective basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the CSR initiatives put in place. It offers a clear and factual view of reality, thus allowing a transparent awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the current CSR strategy. 

This measure, which goes hand in hand with a comparison of current performance, goes beyond simple evaluation. It thus offers a dynamic perspective on the evolution of practices and results over time. By measuring the gap between actual performance and predefined goals, you will not only be able to identify areas that require special attention, but also to observe successes and progress.   

In addition, this calibration provides crucial visibility into improvements, creating a sense of accomplishment within your organization. In addition, it plays a leading role in making decisions to guide your future actions. Lessons learned from comparisons help to adjust objectives, refine strategies and align efforts with best practices, thus contributing to a more effective and relevant CSR approach. 


IV. Challenges and difficulties  

Managing and monitoring CSR-related goals presents a set of inherent challenges and challenges that could hinder the effective implementation of initiatives within your company. The following points will therefore require special attention to ensure the success of your efforts:   


Dispersion of information: a significant challenge  

The collection of data necessary for the evaluation of social responsibility performance can be hindered by their dissemination through the different departments of the structure. This is a major challenge, particularly in mid-caps and TGE, where data is required to circulate in many services. It is in this context that it becomes important to define referents specific to each sector, thus promoting a centralization of data conducive to consistent monitoring.   


Lack of appropriate tools: a major obstacle for accurate measurement of objectives. 

The increasing complexity of social responsibility issues requires substantial investments in appropriate solutions and calculators. These specialized tools are essential for collecting, analyzing and interpreting dispersed data, allowing for a more accurate and detailed assessment of your performance.   


Lack of a common framework: a collective challenge.   

The lack of a common tool often makes it difficult to compare results between different companies or even within the same organization. The need to define common standards and indicators therefore becomes imperative to ensure a relevant and harmonised evaluation of your CSR projects.  


Centralization of data: at the source of the challenge.   

Without a single, reliable source, collecting and aggregating relevant information becomes a complex task. A centralized platform would not only simplify these processes, but also ensure the quality and consistency of the data, thus reinforcing the reliability of the measures of the CSR objectives.   


V. Practical tips for measuring and strengthening sustainable performance

The fundamental step in managing your CSR goals is to be fully aware of the need to measure these goals. This requires a thorough understanding of the significant impact of IT on CSR. This preliminary awareness serves as a catalyst, motivating companies to integrate CSR performance measurement into their overall strategy.  

It is in this dynamic that the establishment of a project team, particularly within the information systems directorate, plays a central role in the conduct of measurement efforts. Effective coordination between the different stakeholders. With a deep understanding of IT and CSR issues, a dedicated team can align objectives, facilitate data collection, and ensure smooth implementation of CSR initiatives.   

Data consolidation, accurate measurement of indicators and in-depth analysis are at the heart of the process of monitoring CSR objectives. In this approach, the use of specialized tools, such as Fruggr, is particularly beneficial. Our solution provides a centralized platform to efficiently gather dispersed data, accurately measure performance, and analyze results to propose a series of improvements to improve its impact. By incorporating these tips and using specialized tools, you will effectively measure your CSR goals while strengthening your commitment to more sustainable and responsible practices. 

Interested in this synergy between IT and CSR? Fruggr can support your journey towards sustainable and responsible performance !

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