How can you promote Digital Sustainability in your company?

Book Comment impulser le Numérique Responsable dans son écosystème ?

Read our white paper.

Deploying a responsible digital roadmap. Find concrete feedback from major groups on the subject. Our intention behind this white paper is that it should be useful, usable and used. To contribute to the advancement of a digital that is not incompatible with the energy, ecological and societal transition. Practical, simple and concise, this white paper gathers the feedback of committed actors, evolving within different types of organisations. Good practices, but also levers to move towards a common horizon. With feedbacks from - Anne Tozzolino, CSR/Digital Manager, La Poste Group and VP INR - Julie Quintard, Head of Commitment & SD projects at SIPA - Ouest France - Céline Faivre, Deputy Director General - Digital, Purchasing, Legal at Région Bretagne - Lucile Vannier, Digital Referent in charge of Groupe BPCE & BPCE SI. Deputy Director of Strategy at INR. Member of the Board of Les Fameuses.

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